Frequently Asked Questions

Signal boosters are the only effective way of amplifying weak signals. There might be workarounds, but there’s less chance of them working effectively.
Yes, mobile signal boosters actually do work. A signal booster simply amplifies the strength of the signal. This is done by repeating the same signal multiple times until it reaches the quality necessary for strong signals.
A signal booster uses three steps to deliver a strengthened signal quality for optimal use. The first step requires the signal boosters’ antenna to catch the source signal. It doesn’t matter if the signal is weak, as that is what a booster is supposed to make strong. This signal is then strengthened by the amplifier repeatedly to make sure the signal is optimal to carry the data further. This strengthened signal is then broadcasted to cellular devices at the location.
Mobile signal boosters that can amplify the signal strength for residential or office usage are not banned in India.
The best signal booster depends on the requirements. However, at Mobi Boost we make sure to provide you with some of the best quality signal boosters from Seguro and Lintratek. We have boosters that support different cellular technologies and network capabilities.
Signal boosters only amplify weak signals to make them usable and do not in any way harm people. Signal boosters are perfectly safe to use for everyone.
In cities network congestion and cell-tower priority is always an issue, and in remote locations, the quality is low as it is. The quality of the signal can improve significantly in such scenarios when using a cell phone signal booster. Signal boosters, as such are definitely worth it.
Choosing the right signal booster for you will need you to understand your requirements. For instance, some of the factors to look for could be a) what frequency and band the network carrier uses, b) which generation type is the signal supposed to boost – 2g, 3g, or 4g and c)the distance needed to be covered by the signal booster.
A signal booster amplifies all cellular signal types. Therefore even data speeds will be magnified on signal strengthening. This will result in VoIP calls of a higher quality and texting without any delays.
3G and 4G are simply generations of mobile communication standards denoting the 3rd and 4th generations respectively. 3G networks generally see around 600-1400 kbps for download speeds and 500-800 kbps for upload speeds. 4G network succeeds 3G with higher download and upload speeds. 4G mobile signals provide an ultra-broadband level of internet speeds and can be seen being used in almost all cities in India. At Mobi Boost, we have boosters that amplify signals for 3G, 4G, as well as 2G signals.
Mobile phone signals do use some inherent radiation when transmitting data through radio waves. Signal boosters however only increase the strength of the signal and not that of the radiation amount.
You may contact the technical support desk of the authorized dealer during their working hours. In case you wish to access any information about the product, other than that mentioned in the manual, you can you can contact our team 24×7.
Water vapour in varied forms such as rain, snow, fog and few others act as a filter for cellular signal, which when present in heavy quantity in the atmosphere, may interfere with the performance of your device.
No, soft installation is not mandatory. However, we strongly recommend it so that you get a complete idea about the installation procedure beforehand and do not make any error in the process of final installation.
It is quite unlikely that such a situation may arise as adequate measures are taken to ensure that the product is handed over to you in a sealed condition. However, if you encounter such issue, please call the customer care desk of the authorized dealer immediately.
Seguro signal boosters, splitters and antennas are warranted for one year while the adaptor is warranted for six months.
In case your premises exceed 3,000 Sq. ft. you shall be required to install multiple signal boosters to cover the entire area. You may contact our technical support desk with exact specifications for further information.
T Splitters come in use when the boosted signal is to be split across two different rooms/divisions within the same premise in equal proportions. This requirement arises when the premise is larger in the area or the rooms are in separate directions. Couplers are however used when the boosted signal is to be split into different and specific proportions across different rooms/divisions within the same premise.
Yes, it is possible to measure signal booster performance. Android phone users can navigate to the About Phone/Status/Network signals option. Here they can note the signal strength (in dBm) before switching on the signal booster device. A fresh reading (in dBm) after switching on the signal booster device would tell the user about dBm change from which the boost in signal strength can be deciphered. Please note that -77 dBm power signifies better signal strength compared to -44dBm.